My Mission: Empowering Through Art and Coaching

Today, I stand as a Health and Life Coach, integrating the expressive power of art with the transformative potential of coaching. I specialize in guiding mothers through their own rediscovery processes, helping them reclaim their spark and zest amidst life's chaos. My coaching, infused with personal experience and artistic creativity, is not just a career—it's a calling to support other women on their journeys to joy and fulfillment.

I sell paintings that are not just art—they are encapsulations of recovery and hope. My journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the therapeutic power of art, and the profound impact of compassionate coaching.

My Story: A Canvas of Resilience and Renewal

Beginnings in the Bay Area

Born into a vibrant household in the Bay Area, California, I was the eldest of four siblings, always finding solace in the arts. Early on, my affinity for drawing and singing marked my first encounters with the world of creative expression. Yet, as adolescence approached, my passion for drawing quietly receded—only to be profoundly reignited in my late 20s through the discovery of painting, a medium that would soon become my sanctuary.

A Turning Point

By 2010, the foundation of my personal life began to tremble under the strain of a failing marriage. I felt increasingly disconnected, a silent witness to the dissolution of the union I had committed to "till death do us part." The ensuing years brought sleepless nights and unspoken pain. In 2012, the emotional toll peaked, and amidst profound loneliness, I realized that rescue would come from no one but myself.

Embracing Art as Salvation

It was during this period of deep introspection that I found myself drawn back to the arts. One pivotal evening, surrounded by family, I painted a mermaid on a canvas spread across our big wooden circle table. The experience was transformative—each brushstroke eased my troubled thoughts, and the vibrant colors brought me peace and a renewed zest for life. This profound connection to painting propelled me to enroll in junior college, where I explored ceramics, sculpting, and vocal arts, gradually stitching the fragments of my happiness back together.

Renewal Through Divorce and Discovery

2013 marked a year of liberation and daunting challenges. With the finalization of my divorce, I lost everything but gained the freedom to rebuild my life from scratch. Moving back in with my parents, I was blessed with new painting supplies—a gift that allowed me to delve deeper into my artistic journey. From then until 2019, my life was a whirlwind of changes: moving homes, welcoming my first two children, and facing a sudden job loss after 17 years. Each event, while challenging, steered me towards personal growth and redefinition.

A Journey of Healing and Holistic Practices

The following years were a testimony to resilience. I embarked on a 12-week sacred women's healing journey, discovering methods for cleansing, healing wounds, and rebuilding self-worth. This transformative experience ignited a new artistic vision—integrating crystals into my paintings, enhancing their healing power.

Triumph Over Adversity

The birth of my third child in 2020 and a move into our first family home should have been purely joyful, but they coincided with severe health challenges triggered by a vaccine. Multiple convulsions left me physically debilitated and professionally adrift. Yet, in this crucible of trials, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I sculpted a new vision for my life focused on self-care and holistic well-being, turning again to the arts—my ever-present salve.

"Healing Comes From Within. The Art is to Create the Conditions for It to Manifest." - Deepak Chopra

Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards personal growth and empowerment? Fill out the contact form below and let's connect. Together, we'll explore how my coaching services can help you unleash your true potential, overcome obstacles, and create a life of fulfillment and joy. Take the first step towards a brighter future. I can't wait to hear from you!

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